Fountain is the only place where listeners and podcasters get rewarded for the value they provide for others.


On Fountain you can earn simply listening to your favourite podcasts. Get paid by Fountain for your first hour of daily podcast listening. The earning rate changes every day and it’s completely random. Earn more by listening to promotions from podcasters and advertisers.


There is so much knowledge buried in podcasts but not enough time to go and find it. Finding it and sharing it with others is a valuable service - that's why you can earn by creating clips on Fountain. When other users Like your clips, you get paid.


Many of us would give back to the shows we love if there was an easy way to do it - well now there is. Top up your Fountain wallet with a bank card or any Lightning Wallet and start streaming money to your favourite podcasts for every minute you listen. You can also send money with a comment (also known as a Boost), which other users can like and reply to.


Content recommendations on most apps are driven by algorithms - this is rarely a good experience. Fountain uses money as a signal to surface the content that is deemed valuable by other listeners.

Senior Mobile Developer

Do you love podcasts? Are you excited to work on the future of programmable money? Do you have a high standard when it comes to creating beautiful mobile experiences?

We're hiring a senior mobile developer to lead development of our iOS and Android apps built in Flutter. Fountain is a fully featured podcast app and you'll be responsible for creating a beautiful listening experience for users, as well as working on discovery, engagement, and monetisation tools for podcasters.
